D4BL III: Reparations AI Housing
Breakout Title: Reparations AI: Housing
Location: Hoffman Boardroom
Breakout Description: Home is where we ground ourselves, rest, and nourish ourselves as individuals and within communities. Home fosters our earliest creativity and allows us to feel secure. In cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City, Black people make up more than 55% of the homeless population. The eviction rate of Black women is now comparable to the incarceration rate of Black men. Credit default swaps, securitization, derivative models, eviction databases, credit scores, and recent artificial intelligence-driven housing speculation have all been used to undermine access to permanent affordable housing in big cities and rural areas. But nationwide, researchers, organizers, activists, and families are resisting the destruction and displacement of Black communities through direct action, policy making, and new applications of data.
Moderator: Noni Session Panelists: Dr. Michael Akinwumi, Natasha Duarte, Rasheedah Phillips, Esq, Katya Abazajian
Algorithmic Justice: Race, Bias, and Big Data
Algorithmic Justice: Race, Bias, and Big Data
Speakers will discuss algorithms, race, and justice–the problems and the possibilities.
What is Data for Black Lives?
What is Data for Black Lives?
Data for Black Lives is a movement of activists, organizers, and mathematicians committed to the mission of using data science to create concrete and measurable change in the lives of Black people. Since the advent of computing, big data and algorithms have penetrated virtually every aspect of ou...
Black People vs Robots: Reparations and Workers Rights in the Age of Automation
Black People vs Robots: Reparations and Workers Rights in the Age of Automation
In 2009, 13% of the US population were either self-employed or working as independent contractors, in 2016 this number had doubled. And from Silicon Valley to the US Supreme court, the rights of workers are under attack. At the same time, robots capable of driving cars, assembling goods, and cari...
Yeshimabeit Milner FAccT 2021 Keynote
Yeshimabeit Milner FAccT 2021 Keynote
In this keynote address at the FAcct 2021 Conference, Founder & Executive Director Yeshimabeit Milner calls on researchers to do more than push for fairness, accountability and transparency-- but to demand justice, power and self-determination in the fight to make data as a tool for social chang...
Black Work, Black Wealth, Black Futures
Black Work, Black Wealth, Black Futures
New innovations in technology are radically changing our economy. Self-driving cars are poised to transform the trucking industry, putting over eight million people at risk of losing their jobs. Exciting advances in 3D printing and digital fabrication will create new possibilities for manufacturi...
Pain, Place, and Race
Pain, Place, and Race
In cities like Chicago and Baltimore, where you live determines the length and quality of your life. Life expectancies range from the mid-80s in more affluent neighborhoods to 60s in the poorest communities. From gun violence to opioid addiction to suicide to sexual violence, Black and Brown comm...
“The seas are rising but so are the people”: Data, Disaster & Collective Power
“The seas are rising but so are the people”: Data, Disaster & Collective Power
For many Black communities, a storm of policies and practices hit well before the first rains of Katrina, Harvey, Matthew or Florence. And everyday, these storms rage in plain sight. Climate change has magnified the devastating impact of displacement driven by unbearable housing costs. It has rev...
Automating (In)justice: Policing and Sentencing in the Algorithm Age
Automating (In)justice: Policing and Sentencing in the Algorithm Age
The U.S. incarcerates more people than any country in the world, and Black communities are disproportionately impacted by this mass incarceration. The disparities are staggering: although the majority of illegal drug users and dealers are white, three quarters of those imprisoned for these crimes...
Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Education Justice and Mathematics
Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Education Justice and Mathematics
Almost 65 years after the US Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v Board of Education, public education in this country remains fundamentally separate and unequal. In general, white children from affluent backgrounds receive a world-class public education (OECD), while Black and brown children from lo...
The Revolution Will be Digitized: Music, Technology, and Black Cultural Production
The Revolution Will be Digitized: Music, Technology, and Black Cultural Production
Black artists have shaped the history of American music and continue to do so every day. Virtually every form of popular music around the world has roots in the powerful African-American musical traditions of Jazz, Blues, R&B, Rock and Roll and Hip Hop. But these same artists have historically be...
D4BL Movement Roundtable + Pulse Check: COVID-19
D4BL Movement Roundtable + Pulse Check: COVID-19
On April 15th, 2020, Data for Black Lives hosted a virtual roundtable and pulse check for our movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The roundtable features experts including Black epidemiologists who have been leading the research and efforts to change the conditions that make Black ...
Opening Panel: Data for Black Lives
Opening Panel: Data for Black Lives
Since the advent of computing, big data and algorithms have penetrated virtually every aspect of our social and economic lives. New data systems have tremendous potential to empower communities of color. Tools like statistical modeling, data visualization, and crowd-sourcing, in the right hands, ...
Closing Keynote and Farewell
Closing Keynote and Farewell
Keynote Address: Ronald Sullivan Farewell: Yeshimabeit Milner, Lucas Mason-Brown, and Max Clermont
Data for Black Lives Fast Facts
Data for Black Lives Fast Facts
Movement Roundtable + Pulse Check: COVID-19
Movement Roundtable + Pulse Check: COVID-19
Abolition in the Age of Big Data
Abolition in the Age of Big Data
Fingerprints, facial recognition, background checks, gang databases, FBI lists, social media surveillance, credit scores: data has always been central to the expansion of the prison industrial complex, the immigration enforcement industry, and the financialization of our economy. Abolition is...
Just Equations: Mathematics of Opportunity
Just Equations: Mathematics of Opportunity
Just Equations’ sixth annual Mathematics of Opportunity conference will explore the future of equity in mathematics education and showcase the voices of education leaders, policymakers, and equity experts working to elevate math opportunities for the next generation. D4BL founder & CEO, Yeshi...
D4BL III: A New Education is Possible
D4BL III: A New Education is Possible
Livestream of the breakout session, "A New Education is Possible."
D4BL III: Reparations AI Future of Work
D4BL III: Reparations AI Future of Work
Livestream of the breakout session, Reparations AI: Future of Work.
November 18-20, 2024 at the Pérez Art Museum in Miami.
D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice
D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice
Livestream for the breakout session, "Food, Land & Justice."
To be announced.
Data for Black Lives III Welcome & Keynote
Data for Black Lives III Welcome & Keynote
Food, Land & Justice
Food, Land & Justice
It is estimated that twenty-five percent of Black people live under food apartheid. Black people living under food apartheid are 80% more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. They are four times more likely to suffer from kidney failure and other health issues that result from obesity.
Funding Data Activism
Funding Data Activism
Home is where we ground ourselves, rest, and nourish ourselves as individuals and within communities. Home fosters our earliest creativity and allows us to feel secure. In cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City, Black people make up more than 55% of the homeless population.
AI for Liberation Panel
AI for Liberation Panel
Supercomputers merging governments and consolidating power. AGI that can think and act as humans do. For us, the battle for the soul of AI isn't whether it will become human but how it will be used to justify who is human and who is not
D4BL III Welcome & Keynote
D4BL III Welcome & Keynote
Livestream of the opening night of Data for Black Lives III.
D4BL III: AI for Liberation
D4BL III: AI for Liberation
Livestream of the Data for Black Lives III opening panel, "AI for Liberation."
Welcome & Keynote
Welcome & Keynote
D4BL III: Funding Data Activism
D4BL III: Funding Data Activism
Livestream of the breakout session, "Funding Data Activism."
Water, Public Investment & Power
Water, Public Investment & Power
By 2100, sea-level rise will lead to the displacement of up to 13 million people in the United States. In Miami alone, over 1 million people will be displaced. This process is already evident in Black communities on higher ground, such as Little Haiti and Liberty City.
A New Education Is Possible
A New Education Is Possible
Seventy years after Brown vs Board of Education, schools in America remain separate and unequal. School districts predominantly serving students of color receive $23 billion less in funding than majority-white districts.
Reparations AI: Future of Work
Reparations AI: Future of Work
Two hundred and thirty years ago, the invention of the cotton engine, or ‘cotton gin,’ revolutionized the US economy. By automating an essential part of growing cotton, the demand for cotton grew, as did the demand for labor.
Our Bodies Keep Score
Our Bodies Keep Score
Each year, more African American women die of heart disease than breast cancer, lung cancer, and strokes combined. Eighty percent of Black women will suffer from uterine fibroids before the age of 50, and Black women in the U.S. are three to five times more likely to experience a pregnancy-relate...
D4BL III: Water, Public Investment & Power
D4BL III: Water, Public Investment & Power
Livestream of the breakout session, "Water, Public Investment & Power"
D4BL III: Our Bodies Keep Score
D4BL III: Our Bodies Keep Score
Livestream of the breakout session, "Our Bodies Keep Score."
D4BL III: A New Education is Possible
D4BL III: A New Education is Possible
Livestream of the breakout session, "A New Education is Possible."
D4BL III: No More Data Weapons
D4BL III: No More Data Weapons
Livestream of the breakout session, "No More Data Weapons."
No More Data Weapons
No More Data Weapons
The protests to the murder of Mike Brown were met with army tanks, SWAT teams, and assault rifles. When the world joined in collective grief and action after the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, what stung more than pepper spray in our eyes was the erosion of our constitutional rights by law enforcement using high-powered surveillance technologies.
Reparations AI: Housing
Reparations AI: Housing
Home is where we ground ourselves, rest, and nourish ourselves as individuals and within communities. Home fosters our earliest creativity and allows us to feel secure. In cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City, Black people make up more than 55% of the homeless population.
D4BL III: Data for Organizing & the Public Interest
D4BL III: Data for Organizing & the Public Interest
Livestream of the workshops, Data for Organizing & the Public Interest
D4BL III: Reparations AI Future of Work
D4BL III: Reparations AI Future of Work
Livestream of the breakout session, Reparations AI: Future of Work.
D4BL III: Utopia
D4BL III: Utopia
Livestream of the closing panel, "Utopia."
D4BL III: Utilizing Public Datasets for Good
D4BL III: Utilizing Public Datasets for Good
Livestream of the workshop, "Utilizing Public Datasets for Good."
D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice
D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice
Livestream for the breakout session, "Food, Land & Justice."