D4BL III: Utopia
Closing Plenary Title: Utopia
Closing panel begins at 1:40:00
Location: Auditorium
Description: Everything begins with imagination. Every system, every political force, every place. What we believe in with our minds, we create with our bodies. Against all circumstances and with all hope, we have collectively been able to cast visions for the future and maps to exist and thrive in the most hostile conditions. For the closing discussion of the third Data for Black Lives Conference, we consider the role of imagination, world-building, and shared notions of Utopia in the transformation of society and the development of liberatory technologies. What is possible when we imagine together?
Moderator: Ruha Benjamin Panelists: Dejha Carrington, Nadege Green, Amara Enyia, Njari Anderson
To be announced.
Data for Black Lives III Welcome & Keynote
Data for Black Lives III Welcome & Keynote
Food, Land & Justice
Food, Land & Justice
It is estimated that twenty-five percent of Black people live under food apartheid. Black people living under food apartheid are 80% more likely to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. They are four times more likely to suffer from kidney failure and other health issues that result from obesity.
Funding Data Activism
Funding Data Activism
Home is where we ground ourselves, rest, and nourish ourselves as individuals and within communities. Home fosters our earliest creativity and allows us to feel secure. In cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City, Black people make up more than 55% of the homeless population.
AI for Liberation Panel
AI for Liberation Panel
Supercomputers merging governments and consolidating power. AGI that can think and act as humans do. For us, the battle for the soul of AI isn't whether it will become human but how it will be used to justify who is human and who is not
D4BL III Welcome & Keynote
D4BL III Welcome & Keynote
Livestream of the opening night of Data for Black Lives III.
D4BL III: AI for Liberation
D4BL III: AI for Liberation
Livestream of the Data for Black Lives III opening panel, "AI for Liberation."
Welcome & Keynote
Welcome & Keynote
D4BL III: Funding Data Activism
D4BL III: Funding Data Activism
Livestream of the breakout session, "Funding Data Activism."
Water, Public Investment & Power
Water, Public Investment & Power
By 2100, sea-level rise will lead to the displacement of up to 13 million people in the United States. In Miami alone, over 1 million people will be displaced. This process is already evident in Black communities on higher ground, such as Little Haiti and Liberty City.
A New Education Is Possible
A New Education Is Possible
Seventy years after Brown vs Board of Education, schools in America remain separate and unequal. School districts predominantly serving students of color receive $23 billion less in funding than majority-white districts.
Reparations AI: Future of Work
Reparations AI: Future of Work
Two hundred and thirty years ago, the invention of the cotton engine, or ‘cotton gin,’ revolutionized the US economy. By automating an essential part of growing cotton, the demand for cotton grew, as did the demand for labor.
Our Bodies Keep Score
Our Bodies Keep Score
Each year, more African American women die of heart disease than breast cancer, lung cancer, and strokes combined. Eighty percent of Black women will suffer from uterine fibroids before the age of 50, and Black women in the U.S. are three to five times more likely to experience a pregnancy-relate...
D4BL III: Water, Public Investment & Power
D4BL III: Water, Public Investment & Power
Livestream of the breakout session, "Water, Public Investment & Power"
D4BL III: Our Bodies Keep Score
D4BL III: Our Bodies Keep Score
Livestream of the breakout session, "Our Bodies Keep Score."
D4BL III: A New Education is Possible
D4BL III: A New Education is Possible
Livestream of the breakout session, "A New Education is Possible."
D4BL III: No More Data Weapons
D4BL III: No More Data Weapons
Livestream of the breakout session, "No More Data Weapons."
No More Data Weapons
No More Data Weapons
The protests to the murder of Mike Brown were met with army tanks, SWAT teams, and assault rifles. When the world joined in collective grief and action after the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, what stung more than pepper spray in our eyes was the erosion of our constitutional rights by law enforcement using high-powered surveillance technologies.
Reparations AI: Housing
Reparations AI: Housing
Home is where we ground ourselves, rest, and nourish ourselves as individuals and within communities. Home fosters our earliest creativity and allows us to feel secure. In cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and New York City, Black people make up more than 55% of the homeless population.
D4BL III: Data for Organizing & the Public Interest
D4BL III: Data for Organizing & the Public Interest
Livestream of the workshops, Data for Organizing & the Public Interest
D4BL III: Reparations AI Future of Work
D4BL III: Reparations AI Future of Work
Livestream of the breakout session, Reparations AI: Future of Work.
D4BL III: Reparations AI Housing
D4BL III: Reparations AI Housing
Livestream of the panel, "Reparations AI: Housing."
D4BL III: Utilizing Public Datasets for Good
D4BL III: Utilizing Public Datasets for Good
Livestream of the workshop, "Utilizing Public Datasets for Good."
D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice
D4BL III: Food, Land & Justice
Livestream for the breakout session, "Food, Land & Justice."
What is Data for Black Lives?
What is Data for Black Lives?
Data for Black Lives is a movement of activists, organizers, and mathematicians committed to the mission of using data science to create concrete and measurable change in the lives of Black people. Since the advent of computing, big data and algorithms have penetrated virtually every aspect of ou...
D4BL Movement Roundtable | Abolition & Self Determination
D4BL Movement Roundtable | Abolition & Self Determination
We convened a roundtable of organizers, activists, and practitioners to discuss how we can organize, mobilize and coordinate in this moment and for the long haul. Together, we ask the questions - what does it mean for us to practice liberation in this moment? To demand and build the infrastructur...
D4BL II Welcome
D4BL II Welcome
Opening Remarks and Introduction of Keynote Speaker: Yeshimabeit Milner, D4BL Executive Director (10 min)
Abolish Big Data
Abolish Big Data
Abolition means the creation of something new - the history of big data and a prophecy for big data abolition.
D4BL Movement Roundtable | Abolition & Self Determination
D4BL Movement Roundtable | Abolition & Self Determination
We convened a roundtable of organizers, activists, and practitioners to discuss how we can organize, mobilize and coordinate in this moment and for the long haul. Together, we ask the questions - what does it mean for us to practice liberation in this moment? To demand and build the infrastructur...
What is Abolition? | Crash Course: Data for Black Lives | Episode 3, Season 1
What is Abolition? | Crash Course: Data for Black Lives | Episode 3, Season 1
What is abolition? More specifically, what does it mean to "abolish the police" or "abolish big data"? Why may we even want to abolish policing and big data? These phrases were thrown around a lot in this past year. So, in this episode of Crash Course, Linda is unpacking what abolition is and wha...
Abolish Big Data - UCI Bren ICS
Abolish Big Data - UCI Bren ICS
At the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences Abstract: Bid Data is more than a collection of technologies, more than a revolution in measurement and prediction. It has become a philosophy, an ideological regime, one that determines how decisions are made ad who makes the,...
Data Intersections 2020 | The University of Miami Institute for Data Science & Computing
Data Intersections 2020 | The University of Miami Institute for Data Science & Computing
Big Data is more than a collection of technologies, more than a revolution in measurement and prediction. It has become a philosophy, an ideological regime, one that determines how decisions are made and who makes them. It has given legitimacy to a new form of social and political control, one th...
We are the Leaders We Have Been Looking For: Organizing for Algorithmic Accountability
We are the Leaders We Have Been Looking For: Organizing for Algorithmic Accountability
As algorithms and automated decisions continue to impact every aspect of our lives, in Black communities nationwide these decision-making systems animate already existing structures of oppression and inequality. From risk assessments to school enrollment algorithms to child predictive analytics a...
Abolition in the Age of Big Data
Abolition in the Age of Big Data
Fingerprints, facial recognition, background checks, gang databases, FBI lists, social media surveillance, credit scores: data has always been central to the expansion of the prison industrial complex, the immigration enforcement industry, and the financialization of our economy. Abolition is...
Abolish Big Data
Abolish Big Data
A call to action to dismantle the structures that concentrate the power of Big Data into the hands of a few and to put data in the hands of people who need it the most.
No Humans Involved
No Humans Involved
The battle for the soul of AI is not about preventing tech from becoming human but about preventing AI from being used to define who is human and who is not.
Congressional Briefing on AI and Civil Rights
Congressional Briefing on AI and Civil Rights
Briefing on Artificial Intelligence and Civil Rights With Senator Cory Booker and Data for Black Lives & Leading Advocates
Apartheid Is an Algorithm
Apartheid Is an Algorithm
On October 14, 2023, Founder & CEO Yeshimabeit Milner delivered the keynote speech Apartheid Is an Algorithm at the Milky Way Tech Summit held at Northwestern Mutual Financial in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Datafication and Community Activism: Redrawing the Boundaries of Research
Datafication and Community Activism: Redrawing the Boundaries of Research
A workshop to held in the Department of Informatics, University of California, Irvine Irvine, California
Building in a Crisis
Building in a Crisis
From my desk, as the Founder of a movement that has found its purpose during the storm and its focus in the whirlwind, we are not celebrating the end of one crisis and the beginning of another manufactured one, but our resilience and persistence. And we are strapping in for the long haul.
Data Activism + Decompress
Data Activism + Decompress
This keynote was delivered by our founder and CEO, Yeshimabeit Milner on Data Activism at The Malcom X and Dr Betty Shabazz Memorial + Education Center on February 23, 2024 at 5 PM. The event was hosted in partnership with the Barnard Department of Computer Science and Barnard Library. London-...
November 18-20, 2024 at the Pérez Art Museum in Miami.